Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April Resolutions

I know April is almost half over (sheesh, where'd the time go!?) but it's just starting to feel like spring.  The last of the stubborn snow has (finally) melted and the weather in New England is starting to look up.  I'm pleased to announce that my North Face & duck boots have been neatly tucked away to make room for my trench coat & flats, and the ice-scraper in my trunk has been replaced with a bright pink umbrella. Along with stopping to smell the flowers, here are a few things that I want to accomplish this April.  I'm hoping it will be a welcomed distraction from ruminating over my uncertain future.  

What do you want to accomplish before April is over?


  1. i love this list!!! Such a good reminder to keep an umbrella close by! Without fail it seems like every time I forget my umbrella, it rains! I also want to re-read the Great Gatsby before the movie! It's going to be so great!

  2. It's so ironic that you mentioned finishing The Great Gatsby, because I just finished reading that book with my English class! It was SO good. We're going on a field trip to see the movie when it comes out, and I can't wait!

  3. Love this list! Super excited/nervous for the Gatsby movie. My school's Spring Weekend dance is Gatsby themed so I'm tempted to re-read the book as well!

  4. Great resolutions! I am excited for The Great Gatsby movie also!

  5. Flowers always brighten up the day!


  6. I'm also planning to reread Gatsby before the movie comes out next month. Also, you can never go wrong with fresh flowers!



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