Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ride by Lana Del Rey

Maybe it's the thought of graduating, maybe it's the cold weather, or maybe it's reading novels about the "lost generation" in modern lit.  Whatever it is, I've been feeling ...weird lately.  Hmmm, I don't know if weird is the right word; I guess a more thorough description would be "introspective".. "introverted"..  maybe even "lost."

...Or on second thought, maybe those aren't the right words either.  They have such a depressing tone to them, and that's not the image I want to portray.  I have plenty of aspiration; One may even argue that I have so much aspiration that it is impossible to fit it all into a single lifetime.  That's it! ...That's my problem: I can't decide what I want, so I want it ALL.  Hopefully you can piece together what I'm trying to say better than I can.  If not, I apologize.

Anyway, my current wanderlust state is somewhat reflective of this poem/song hybrid by Lana Del Rey.  Once you get past the ridiculously long intro, it's happy and sad at the same time with the perfect amount of conviction.

Ugh, it's getting late.  I'm going to get some sleep before I start philosophizing the true meaning of life ....or sell all my belongings so I can book a one-way ticket to Europe ;)


  1. I love this song and Lana Del Rey. So nostalgic!

  2. Wow. I never watched the video, but I am constantly listening to her Pandora radio station.
    I love her hair in the video lol.
    Her voice and her vintage music style is very captivating.
    Thanks for sharing.


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